Hey I'm Ami, welcome to the Thicc Girl Shop

Hey, I’m Ami. Welcome to The Thicc Girl Shop!

By powerful women.
For powerful women.


Hello Thickums, I’m Ami. I have been every size from a 4 to an 18. I have felt uncomfortable at every single one! I have dieted, worked out obsessively, tried every challenge and would do anything to change my body. It wasn’t until I found healing and happiness within myself that I finally felt comfortable in my skin.

Thicc is for those of us who struggle with confidence and accepting our bodies just as they are. I am finally at a place where my skin fits! I want to celebrate it! And I want you to celebrate the body you are in. Thicc is ownership, love and acceptance of exactly where we are on our journey.

Our products are high quality, hand printed and eco friendly!